Usted está aquí: Inicio / Noticias / The largest wild seed bank in the world is projected in Palencia

The largest wild seed bank in the world is projected in Palencia

21/diciembre/2021.- The World Biological Corridor and the municipality of San Cebrián de Mudá, north of Palencia, plan to create the largest wild seed bank in the world in the coal mine located in the municipality and which has been closed since 1990. For decades, the economy of the region depended on mining and after the closure of the mine, the city council bet on nature to generate activity in the area with the creation of the first reserve of European bison in Spain, in turn, headquarters of the International Broker Office.

This commitment to the environment has allowed more than 10,000 people to visit the area each year, according to the president of the World Biological Corridor, Jorge Extramiana, who has pointed out that with the money generated by the reserve they created an astronomical observatory in what day was the mine’s coal dryer.

The next step in that “ecological transition & rdquor; and in the fight against depopulation it will be the creation of the largest world bank of wild seeds in the world in the mining tunnel, 1,200 meters long and 10 square meters in section.

For this, the mine will be conditioned and will host three spaces in which different activities of the World Biological Corridor will be developed, a Spanish initiative born twelve years ago to promote the creation of a continuous green land and marine infrastructure that is already present on the five continents.


The first of the stays will be a interactive classroom where you can learn about the types of seeds that are saved in the bank, the plants to which they belong, their habitats, the situation in which they find themselves (danger of extinction), research carried out to adapt them to climate change or reforestation projects to prevent their loss.

The second room will focus on the interior of the earth, on mines, faults and volcanoes, and will show the different materials that were extracted from the mines and what it was like to work on them.

In the third room there will be the bank, which will house millions of seeds of all the wild plants and trees on the planet that will be contributed by the different projects and institutions that participate in the World Biological Corridor.

“We need a minimum of 1,000 seeds per species to give each of them a real chance of being recovered in the event of extinction & rdquor ;, he explained to . Extramiana to account for the size and importance of the project.

“The more banks there are and the more varieties of seeds they contain, the more possibilities we will have to save species & rdquor;, said the expert, who stressed that the United Nations’ world bank in Svalbard (Norway) houses only crop seeds.

There are very few seed banks in the world and they have species from all over the planet “they are counted on the fingers of the hand & rdquor ;. It is important that there be more because there is always the risk that they will close due to lack of means to maintain them or that seeds will be lost due to conservation problems.

Thanks to the conditions where it will be located within the Palencia mine, the seeds will be in an optimal state of conservation, according to Extramiana, who has added that It already has the official plans for the project, developed by mining experts, and which are making progress in financing for its start-up.

The World Biological Corridor is an initiative that emerged in 2012 at the initiative of the Spanish NGO A forest for planet Earth. Its objective is to find a global solution to the danger of extinction of thousands of species of fauna and flora.

Thus, the entity wants to achieve a biological corridor of global reach, which unites all the natural areas of the planet together. Also part of its promoters are the NGOs Proyecto Gran Simio España, Reserva del Bisonte Europeo San Cebrián de Mudá and Orangutan Foundation International.

Scientists from different specialties and indigenous leaders have joined this World Biological Corridor to carry out its objectives.





Boletín de novedades
Promotoras y Coordinadoras

Bison Bonasus

Un bosque para el planeta Tierra

Proyecto Gran Simio

Orangutan Foundation Internacional

1000 arboles